Cardiac Services BC sets direction and provides leadership for cardiovascular care in BC. The specialized care is provided by the regional health authorities.
- Interior Health
- Fraser Health
- Island Health
- Vancouver Coastal Health
- Northern Health
programs, procedures and services are provided by regional specialized centres:
- Kelowna General Hospital (KGH)
- Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH)
- Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH)
- St. Paul's Hospital (SPH)
- Vancouver General Hospital (VGH)
addition to the regional specialized centres, urgent and emergent cardiac
care is provided across the province by the regional health authorities at
the following:
- community and regional hospitals
- heart function/failure clinics
- cardiac device amnbulatory clinics
- atrial fibrillation clinics
- inherited arrhythmia clincis
How to get a referralReferrals must be made by a healthcare professional. Please talk to your primary care provider or specialist.